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Work With Bill

It all starts with a conversation.

I want to get to know you and understand your both your current situation and your vision for the future. Expect 90-120 minutes of friendly conversation and getting to know one another.

Where we meet is up to you. We can meet over a cup of coffee, take a walk though the park or perhaps at the beach. Anywhere that gets us away from the daily grind and free to talk about personal topics in a safe and peaceful environment. It’s up to you where we meet, your comfort is my main concern.

After this in-depth conversation, we’ll explore the possibilities for your next, best steps. The most crucial piece is to know if I’m the right guy to help and ensure that there is a level of chemistry and comfort to work together.

Investment for the initial consultation: $249
Should we decide to continue working together, this will be deducted from the long-term package price

Moving forward:

Coming from a financial planning background, I’m very process oriented. The process itself is not linear, but rather interrelated.

This process includes:


Helping you discover the options available, understand the different stages of the process and how to plan accordingly

Emotional Readiness

Exploring how this will not only affect you, but those around you – from loved ones to your employees, clients and other professional relationships

Plans & Goals

Assisting you through the best strategies and steps to take; leading you ever closer to your vision of life on the other side of business ownership

This is not a cookie cutter process. For each person it will be necessary to understand where you are in the process and what you hope to do for your second wind.

A possible scenario for meeting would look like this:

  • Meet weekly for the first month to understand all the details and create a game plan
  • After the first month, meet every other week for the next two months.

Investment: $1999 for 3 months (8 sessions)
Plan is renewable as needed and customized as progress is made.

Let me know how I can help.

Contact Me



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